Inside Crochet
If you haven't picked up a copy of Inside Crochet recently, you should. Beautiful photography, gorgeous designs, great features and even polyvore-type wardrobe stylings for past designs - it is remarkable to see the difference in the magazine from as recently as last summer.
Its been exciting to watch the evolution of the magazine, to see more and more of the designs show up in the Ravelry Hot Right Now list. Its become one of my go-to sources for inspiration and it's become a bit of a tradition for Kevin to run out on publication date and grab me a copy that we both ooh and ahh over.
Well, this month there was even more "ooohing" than normal:
No less than 4 (!!!!!) mentions of my work - a review of my book, a mention of The Crochet Project, to a pattern from the book
and I even contributed some photos and tips to the piece on craft photography
A very good Friday, indeed!! And Georgia's response to seeing herself in a magazine - "Of course I am, mama."
(you can also get a digital copy here)