Gartur Stitch Farm

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HOmemade Bailey’s (Dairy Free)

It is a sad fact of my dairy-rich life that milk and I are not friends. I currently have 30l of cow’s milk in my fridge and 6l of goat’s milk in my freezer, but until it is fermented into cheese or yoghurt, I can’t have any of it.

Normally, it isn’t a big deal. I am not a cereal eater, I don’t ever crave a glass of milk and a litre of oat milk lasts us a long time as it only goes in my morning coffee and afternoon tea. But at Christmas, I do love a glass or 3 of Bailey’s…sadly my stomach does not.

We’ve made homemade Bailey’s for years. Did I ever tell you about the first time I made it with Kevin’s single malt, smokey as all get out, Isla whisky? Oh I was in TROUBLE and, a fact I haven’t admitted until now, it tasted like smoking a cigarette and I had to bin it. Good thing he doesn’t read the blog…

Anyway, I have learned from my mistakes. This is the - grab what you have in the cupboard - version and would be perfectly fine with normal milk. Many recipes will add cream or condensed milk, but honestly, I find this more drinkable as it’s not as sweet and claggy.

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