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On Farm Event: Beginners Taiko Drumming Course

  • Gartur Stitch Farm Stirling, Scotland, FK8 3JY United Kingdom (map)

Beginners Taiko Drumming Course

Join us in this beginners taiko drumming course, where no experience of drumming or music in general is required!

In this course, you will learn the basic technique to playing the taiko drums upright, learn a few different traditional rhythms and some of the history and traditions related to taiko drumming in general. You will also learn to play a full modern taiko piece called Chou-Chou (butterfly). This is a funky, fun piece composed over the traditional shichi-san ji-uchi (backing rhythm), with a lot of arm-movement!

This project is supported by the Rural Communities Ideas into Action fund, supported by the Scottish Government and delivered by Inspiring Scotland to encourage and support innovative approaches to community-led local development in rural communities across Scotland.

There is an optional community show (at Gartmore) on the last week on March where all participants will have the opportunity to showcase their newly-learnt drumming skills!

Cost: FREE OF CHARGE – but please book in advance!
Saturdays 3:30 – 5:30pm
05-Feb to 19-Mar
Gartur Stitch Farm


Cost: FREE OF CHARGE – but please book in advance by emailing

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