Gartur Stitch Farm

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We Can Do Hard (and Scary) Things

Announcing preorders for our new quarterly A Life in the Making: Issue 01 Late Summer!


Have you ever heard the saying about British weather, where it feels like its always just rained or about to rain?  That is how I feel this time of year with guests.  Whether it is an event, neighbours, friends or tours, I feel like we are always on the cusp of visitors needing fed. And after the last year, it is an amazing feeling.

Late summer means I spend most of my time in the kitchen.  Bent over the counter, sweating next to the stove or doing endless dishes, this time of year, I don't feel like I can leave its narrow confines for fear of being drown in courgettes...or worse someone turning up and not having anything to feed them! 

But the work of this time of year really is in the eating. It's the meals thrown together at the last minute to feed a crowd. It's using up the mountain of kale when that is the only thing that survived the caterpillars.  It's thinking up some way to feed a family while rushing back out to the garden or for a swim.  There is a frenzied pace to the season that I love and loathe in equal measure.

We have tried to capture that feeling of abundance in our new quarterly publication, Life in the Making. This issue, Late Summer, is all about the gratitude that comes with the bounty of the season.

From the Intro:

But no matter how or with whom it is eaten, the food of late summer is a living love letter to the season and to the community we are a part of...

...and that is the heart of what this, our first edition of our new quarterly publication is about. Its about the feast that comes after a year of work, whether that work is in your field or someone else’s. It is sharing abundance and building a longer table, not a taller fence, when you have too much.

(though it might also be about giving away an over abundance of courgettes to anyone that makes eye contact).


After months of moving compost, sowing seeds, and tending plants, the prosperity in the fields and hedgerows begs to be shared.  This year especially, as we spent months apart from loved ones, gathering around a table of good, seasonal food feels especially important. 

Life in the Making is a collection of over 20 recipes and essays that celebrate local food, good neighbours and the joy of field to fork eating (whether or not the field is your own or someone else's).

You can buy the print + digital or digital only copies and as a one off or as a yearly subscription. 

With each purchase, you will get 2 sample chapters with the full version sent out on the 19th of August. 

We hope you love it. 


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