The Summer Burn

By the time you read this, I will have 3 children home for the summer. Jim the postie will have dropped off the two Nucs of bees and 180 seedlings I bought for the garden to replace a bunch I lost while I was sick a few weeks ago. I will be in the kitchen prepping food for the 4 events we are running this weekend and process the 2 gallons of cream I need to make into butter to replenish the freezer. Hopefully, I will have harvested the 2 rows of Kale that I wanted to make into pesto, the rhubarb my neighbour dropped off is on its way to cordial, pie and cake. I might be dressed or I might still be in my nightgown and flannel shirt I had to throw on to go rescue a pig who got herself trapped on the wrong side of the fence. I will be on my 2nd cup of coffee and probably will be eating cold, left over takeaway pizza for breakfast. 

Ah, summer--the frenetic pace that is energising but in an "exhausted just thinking about it" sort of way. There is something quite addictive about the busyness.  Never really having to think about what to do, because the days are filled with a series of rushing to sort something urgent before anything dies. We stretch out the time between showers by rinsing the garden dirt off in the lake.  Dinner is {insert protein here} salad every night until it is cereal because I forgot to make anything.

I love it. It reminds me of my summers working my way through High School and College at summer camps...I still carry a clipboard around with my schedule and checklists.  We are fuelled by adrenaline, coffee and the deep gratitude of being open again after being shut so long. 

But amongst the busyness, our motto this summer has actually been "Prioritise Rest". Both Kevin and I are very good at saying yes to everything and then working ourselves until we are grumpy messes, shutting down for weeks while things fall apart around us.  We are determined that we will not be those people this year, so naps and nights off get put on the checklist alongside the weeding and harvesting.  

So far it seems to be working, though I am sure by August I will be dead on my feet--one of the reasons this year we have made the decision to close for visits after September, knowing that as much as we enjoy the pace of life this time of year, there is a seasonality to that as well. 

But for now, its go, go, go nap...just how we like it. 

I am off to move some bees, plant some plants, make some food and then take a nap!!!


Our events are getting pretty full for the summer, with a few sold out already.  If you were hoping to come along to anything before we close again for the season in September, we advise you to get booking!!

And remember, if you are booking 2 or more tickets to anything, we offer a 10% discount that is automatically taken off at the checkout.

View our current events


When things go wrong


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