Gartur Stitch Farm

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Testing 1,2...

Ok, so iWeb is just not doing it for me any more.  Whilst I like its simplicity, its functionality irritates me and I don't think its great value for money.  So I am trying out Typepad.  Its supposed to be much more functional with the addedd bonus of not having to be at the mac to blog (I can even blog through my phone, if I was so inclined).  Most irritatingly, it seems the comment function has completely dissappeared from iweb, and of course I need to get some sort of feedback from my audience.  Anyway, my big question is, will you all be able to access it?  I know some folks have problems with accessing blogger from certain computers, so we shall see.  Typepad does mean that the blog will connect to other blogs more easily...

I am just having a play at the moment and this site will only be up for a few days unless people decide they like it.