Gartur Stitch Farm

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I'm Dreaming....

So, the vivid pregnancy dreams have started. For the last few nights, I have had the most vivid dreams of my life. I know this is a common pregnancy symptom, but the only think I can compare it to is when I first arrived in India and was on Larium--an anti-malarial with known psychotic effects.

My dreams have included things like Kevin selling me into slavery, my animal rights activist friend keeping hundreds of wolves caged in Edinburgh and everything to do with labour and birth.

Last nights birth dreams were definately influenced by red meat for dinner and a tour of the Stirling Royal Infirmary Labour ward shortly thereafter. I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I am not keen to move any further than my bedroom for the little one's entry into this world, but if I had to transfer in, I feel like it would be OK.

The NCT classes seem to be going quite well. They are really focused on hospital birth, but I guess that is what everyone else will be definitely be experiencing (and we may be, who knows?). I had really hoped there would be more local people, but there is only one other couple that live in Stirling, the next closest are Alloa/Tullibody and then they come from all over. I think the classes have been great for Kevin as they really provide him with an opportunity to be with other dads and time to think about what all of this means, plus I enjoy the ritual humiliation he is subjected to.

Just been called to breakfast....gosh, I love Saturdays!!!