Gartur Stitch Farm

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Friday Five

Happy Friday!  I have to say that this week has flown by in a bit of a haze.  I can't help but feel like it was Sunday less than a blink ago! I have 65 unread posts in Google reader and my daily 10 minute declutter has turned into a weekly 5 minute throw out the shampoo bottles. Ach well... 

Anyway, a new weekend is upon us and its going to be a busy one.  Compost is being delivered on Saturday and that means there can be no more excuses to getting a move on the garden.  To be fair, I have done a lot outside this week, peas are on their way, beans are sprouting, weeds are pulled, the back garden is tidy, onions are in, half a trench is dug, clothes pegs have been collected from the far reaches of the garden! Whew! Oh, did I mention working (for money), getting all the laundry done by THURSDAY, getting rid of 5 garbage bags of clothes plus 2 boxes of books (British Heart Foundation Shop is now completely supplied with our stuff!), cooking and cleaning all week long AND running after a 2 year old! I need a cuppa just thinking about it all.

Anyway, my friday finds:

1. Home cheese making.  It never occurred to me that you could make cheese at home...I am desperate to try, but a bit wary of the initial investment if we don't continue on.  Everywhere I've looked seems to suggest at least a £40 outlay.  Though, I can't stop thinking about using home-made mozzarella on Friday pizza!

2. Cycling to work. 


I finally broke down and made the transition from Bessie to a bicycle made in this century.  Kerstin wasn't using her lovely bike, so its now mine and fitted with a child seat for wee man.  3 days down and its fab!  We do the commute in 20 minutes door to door (including drop off of small boy).  I am kicking myself for not doing this earlier.  Freedom is on 2 wheels.  Maybe one day we'll do this:

3. Speaking of videos, have you all seen this? The work itself is amazingly beautiful, but I find the links to science and mathematics fascinating! But of course, my favourite bit is that handicraft has had such a profound effect on the hallowed halls of science!

So the wavy hats I made were a genius of science?  I thought I just couldn't follow a pattern.

4. Love these garden lanterns made out of tin cans.  What a simple idea! oh and do you think my wee village will be happy if we make one of these greenhouses made out of plastic bottles?  Too bad we don't even drink soda...

5.  I love this house on Apartment Therapy. I think the kitchen is my favourite. Any yes, I will be putting our chinese lanterns in my kitchen later today.