Gartur Stitch Farm

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Finished (and/or Failed) Object Friday

Thank you all for the lovely moving wishes.  So far, so good, everything is going ahead brilliantly.  There is no reason to think things won't continue that way, but fingers crossed all the boxes get ticked early next week and we can be 'officially' official tennants.


As you would expect, knitting has slowed down to a bit of a crawl.  Which would be fine in and of itself, but its been a bit of a bad run.  Over the past week, I  seem to have hit calamity after calamity. Ihave lost one project to the destructive hands of a baby and messed up a couple of others: 




I am consistently having provlems with gauge.  I can only guess that its pregnancy afecting my hands or my last useable brain cell giving up the ghost.  I knit this Milo after seeing the lovely ones on ravelry with the stranded elephant patterns.  Its was for a gift, but its come out way too big again for its intended recipient, so I am not sure if I will buy the extra yarn I need to finish it off.




The biggest failure of the week has to be this rather simple cowl. Its just stockinette stitch with rows of dropped stitches on either side. First I grafted it with a twist in it, then when I did finish it I simply do not like it. The yarn is heavenly (bought in the US, don't know what it is), but it just doesn't lay right for the project. It was a special thank you for someone and now I need to make something else. Grrr.

I would love to just get knitting some baby things, but it doesn't seem to be fated.  Oh well, I suppose that is the joy of having babies so close together and in the same season.  Baby Oops has plenty of knits to inherit from his/her big sister.